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Systemaattiset katsaukset

Cochrane Neonatal Group

Johnston C, Campbell-Yeo M, Fernandes A, Inglis D, Streiner D, Zee R. Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates. Cochrane database Syst Rev. 2014;1(1):CD008435. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008435.pub2.

Pillai Ridde ll RR, Racine NM, Gennis HG, Turcotte K, Uman LS, Horton RE, Ahola Kohut S, Hillgrove Stuart J, StevensB, Lisi DM. Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD006275. DOI: 10.1002/ 3

Pillai Riddell R, Taddio A, McMurtry CM, Chambers C, Shah V, Noel M, et al. Psychological Interventions for Vaccine Injections in Young Children 0 to 3 Years: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials and Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trials. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2015;31:S64-S71. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000279

Shah PS, Herbozo C, Aliwalas LL, Shah VS. Breastfeeding or breast milk for procedural pain in neonates. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012;12:CD004950. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004950.pub3.

Shah V, Taddio A, McMurtry CM, Halperin SA, Noel M, Pillai Riddell R, et al. Pharmacological and Combined Interventions to Reduce Vaccine Injection Pain in Children and Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2015;31:S38-S63. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000281

Stevens B, Yamada J, Gy L, Ohlsson A, Lee GY, Ohlsson A. Sucrose for analgesia in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;1(1):CD001069. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001069.pub4

Taddio A, Shah V, McMurtry CM, MacDonald NE, Ipp M, Riddell RP, et al. Procedural and Physical Interventions for Vaccine Injections: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials and Quasi-Randomized Controlled Trials. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2015;31:S20-S37. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000264


AAP COMMITTEE ON FETUS AND NEWBORN and SECTION ON ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE. Prevention and Management of Procedural Pain in the Neonate: An Update. Pediatrics. 2016;137(2):e20154271