I am a working full time as a researcher at Aalborg University Hospital at a section of the hospital that includes paediatric, neonatal, birth and maternity wards.
My clinical background is from the neonatal field working as a clinical nurse specialist at the neonatal ward before I did my masters and PhD.
Pain and neonates has been a field of interest (along with parenthood and family centered care) for many years, and I together with SIG neonatal in Denmark has written and participated in implementation of the National Clinical Guideline on pain assesment of the neonatal infant in Denmark at a local and national level using ComfortNEO.
Right now we here at my neonatal ward, have an ongoing study on skin care related to CPAP treatment for infants GA below 32. W – where ComfortNEO is used as part of our observational data.
We also have a Ph.d. student I am co supervising, that is researching the presence of a clown as an intervention in the management of procedural pain in children.
Parenthood was the subject for my thesis, I did a monography on my anthropological fieldwork for 1,5 years in danish families – with children born GA 32-37.
How parents can be involved in every aspect of child care including painmanagement is definately a field of interest in my work.